"My mind and body feel both strong yet rested"

My name is Victoria, I am a 27 years old from Long Island New York and I am currently completing my

masters in physical education. I am a personal trainer, a desk manager and a mom to a super loving Doberman named Thor (which sometimes feels like a job itself hahaha!) I have been an athlete my entire life and played almost every sport growing up. Towards the end of high school, I chose to pursue soccer at a very high level. Now that soccer is out of the equation I mainly weight train at the gym, but I have dabbled in various areas of fitness. When it comes to cardio I LOVE to rollerblade. 

The main things I was dealing with before I signed up to work with Rory and Feel, Heal, Reveal was not being able to be on my own, feeling extremely anxious and not knowing how to cope with it, being blind to what I deserve and the biggest of them all - Body Dysmorphia Disorder. The emotional pains of these struggles at times were unbearable and it almost felt like I couldn’t turn my brain off. I never had time to myself and had no idea what it TRULY meant to relax. My body was depleted physically and even more so mentally. My body was so messed up from stress, that at one point I was continuously having UTIS and yeast infections for almost 8 months straight. My PH levels were completely out of whack and my cortisol levels were at an all-time high. The amount of times I would stare in the mirror and grab the skin on my lower belly/under my chin was honestly heartbreaking. I never thought I looked good enough and even when I seemed happy I wasn’t; it was just a façade.

Alcohol was my choice of drug to ease the tension inside my brain and my body. I felt massive amounts of pressure, helpless and like the world around me just wouldn’t stop. I chose to invest in Rory’s program the first day I met her…it honestly wasn’t even a question, I felt safe and right at home within minutes of talking to her. It was the combination of her knowledge and more importantly her raw authentic self. As I listened to her talk, my deep-rooted pains started to sooth slowly, yet immediately. Her positivity was so warm and welcoming, and it hit me right in the heart. I honestly can say I didn’t have any fears about joining because it seemed like the perfect fit for me. I will admit

that I was a bit skeptical if the program would help me grow FULLY into the person I had been hiding for so long.

I cannot say I have three distinct “TOP BIGGEST WINS”. I think every bit and piece of myself that I have gained back from this program is considered a win. I’M ME AGAIN AND IT FEELS SO GOOD! I will note that I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin and my attention on the mirror has decreased DRASTICALLY. I learned how to balance my workouts and dieting instead of going to the extreme and then binging. I also learned how to have “me time” and I truly enjoy being alone now. I even began to meditate which I thought was nearly impossible for someone super anxious like me. I also stopped jumping to the conclusion that when I want something for myself it just means “I am picky” or “selfish.” In the past I would question myself/others repeatedly saying “Am I crazy?” “Is it weird I feel that way?” “Am I wrong for feeling that way?”. I now realize how detrimental these blameful questions were to my mental

health. It also affected my physical health as I could never seem to get rid of my bloated belly.


My mindset has shifted significantly from questioning to KNOWING, that I am NOT crazy, and I am NOT weird or wrong for feeling how I feel… I am entitled to feel, and I WILL feel!! Eliminating this constant self-questioning issue has immensely lowered my stress and am SO grateful for that. My life has changed from constantly thinking about the future, to living in the moment, or as Rory says, “BE PRESENT VICTORIA!!”. I can skip the gym without feeling massive amounts of regret, and I can go have a margarita and a burger, guilt free! I have also learned to take time to react. I do not have to deal with things immediately, instead I can take my time and think about things and decide on MY TIME. Acknowledging and removing these fake pressures I made up in my own mind has truly brought peace into my life. I am sleeping better, I am happier, and my mind and body feel both strong yet rested.

Three of the best products Rory introduced me to was NutraBlast Boric Life, Adrenal support and Ashwagandha. Boric life IS LEGIT MY SAVIOR and I am very against GYN prescriptions now. It cured my vaginal issues, stabilized my PH levels and I haven’t had any issues since. The adrenal and ashwagandha improved my quality of sleep and lessened my anxiety greatly. I would tell anyone who is scared to invest in Feel Heal and Reveal that it will be

their last time “feeling scared” once they sign up. This program is specifically designed to target the exact things that are holding you back from signing up. Stop suppressing and instead FEEL. The benefits of Feel Heal and Reveal is so rewarding and its something that you will have for the rest of YOUR life. Thank you so much for everything, LOVE YOU ROR!!