"This program has helped me build my confidence"

Hi, my name is Ali, and I work full time in the Boston fitness industry as a spin instructor and studio manager .

Before I signed up for Feel Heal Reveal, I was struggling with spreading myself thin and always needing to keep myself busy. I also struggled feeling never enough at work or in relationships. I felt isolated, guilty, shameful,embarrassed and small because I never felt like I was enough. From our introduction call, she sounded passionate and knowledgeable so I took the leap. I AM SO GLAD I DID! My initial fear of the cost and also the time I needed to commit to this. I didn't want her to be another person I would “let down” by not giving enough.

My top 3 biggest wins are ditching routine, prioritizing play and disrupting negative mindset and rewriting the story. I learned that routine very quickly gets me into the mindset of feeling obligated to do something even if i was originally enjoying it. I start to do things because I “should” instead of the sheer fact of enjoying them. I learned to listen to my mind & body to what they need and allow that to guide my day. For prioritizing play,  I uncovered that the little girl who loved to rollerblade, sing, dance, paint, bake.. Etc is still me, i just need to give her the space and opportunity to show up. As for disrupting negative mindset & rewriting the story, I would find myself forcing myself to finish work tasks and trying to power through. Now i work to disrupt the pattern mentally, by journaling or physically by letting that energy flow out of me with movement, walking, dancing.. Etc.

Focusing on myself throughout this program has helped me build my confidence. It has shown me that I am worth investing in and worth taking care of. Whether that’s slowing down, meal prepping or having a night to myself. I will fill my up first before showing up for other people. I was able to combat stress with breathing exercises, trying new morning routines and journaling. I was truly able to heal an old version of myself by putting myself back in the shoes I wore when i had an eating disorder and allowed me to rewrite that story. My life is different as I use these tools to disrupt old ways of thinking and being able to tap into what I need. I feel more self-confident and overall happy. 

To someone who would like to sign up for FHR but is scared of the investment, I would ask do you feel like you're stuck in a rut? Have you been thinking about joining something like this for a while? Do you put people before yourself? 

Rory is completely worth every penny. She is thorough, engaging and thoughtful. You will get something out of this program that will help you understand yourself better and give you the tools to improve your life.